04 March 2015

Etere advances your creative work with the state-of-art solution between the Etere Ecosystem platform and Avid.

With the seamless integration between Etere Ecosystem and Avid, content editors can access the professional editing, color, effects, and audio post-production video editing software by Avid directly from the Etere interface. With a login, every user can see all available assets and start connecting with Etere database.

The Avid integration solution is part of Etere Ecosystem, a comprehensive framework empowered with a flexible, scalable and customizable cloud system capable of carrying out the entire media life cycle from production to content delivery in multiple formats for multiple purposes.

Etere provides a simple but powerful software able to enrich any Avid editing system with all the major features of its world-class Media Asset Management system, including the capability to archive and restore Avid projects together with all their associated media in any storage location.

Etere is the solution that better meet the needs of organizations with a large throughput of Avid projects. This enables them to easily archive NewsCutter and Media Composer projects and either free-up editing storage space, keep backup copies or create version snapshots.

Key Features
■ Archive from any pc with access to projects and media
■ Restore to original workspace or any location
■ Automatic update of project's media and metadata
■ MD5 checksums to ensure bit for bit identical copies
■ Partial restore of sequences and master clips
■ Low-cost LTO and ODA are used to extend ISIS servers

Etere seamlessly connects to any Avid Interplay ISIS system, facilitating automatic workflows and file transfers between Avid and archive systems. Content within the editing environment is efficiently archived using Etere's AVID Integration solution and a tape library. Etere Media Manager orchestrates the movement of content, ensuring it's readily available for playout from Etere Automation to transfer content to the On-Air playout server.