Season's Greetings from ETERE

24 December 2014

ETERE Staff wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2015!

The year 2014 has been really challenging and valuable for our Company, we strengthened our presence in all our markets and gained new ones, continued upgrading our software to add value to your investment by providing the best cost-effective solutions.

Special thanks go to our Customers, Distributors and Partners for helping us shaping our business during this year, it's a strong motivation for us to continue developing cutting-edge software solutions and to play a pioneering role on the market.

THANKS to all of you for your continuous support making 2014 a successful year for ETERE, we look forward to keep working with you in the New Year to achieve new goals.

All our team wishes you a very happy Holiday Season and a New Year of peace and prosperity!

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ETERE is the leading company since 25 years ago in the project and development of the integrated end-to-end workflow solution for media stations. ETERE has adapted as first in the world the revolutionary concept of MERP (Media Enterprise Resources Planning), that integrates internal and external management information across the entire organization of the TV stations such as Media Asset Management, Automation, Archiving, Scheduling, Air sales, BMS/Long term Planning, News Automation, Resources Planning and OTT Integration. Many TV stations in the worldwide has chosen ETERE system to improve their broadcasting productivity.

ETERE a consistent system!
Etere logo
ETERE is the leading company since 25 years ago in the project and development of the integrated end-to-end workflow solution for media stations. ETERE has adapted as first in the world the revolutionary concept of MERP (Media Enterprise Resources Planning), that integrates internal and external management information across the entire organization of the TV stations such as Media Asset Management, Automation, Archiving, Scheduling, Air sales, BMS/Long term Planning, News Automation, Resources Planning and OTT Integration. Many TV stations in the worldwide has chosen ETERE system to improve their broadcasting productivity. ETERE a consistent system!