Etere Releases BMS
02 May 2007Etere added a new feature to its Traffic: BMS, which stands for Broadcast Management System, an Etere MERP module for long term program planning of broadcast and media companies.
BMS – agronomy for Broadcast Management System – is a module for the long term program planning.
Etere BMS also include the management of the TV rights, censorship, parental rating series and all the functions for an efficient long term program planning. For a TV station it is vital to program in advance
and take control of the inventory and choose the correct program for the correct schedule slot.
The new Rights system of Etere BMS is able to manage multi media rights system, it’s so possible to have a single system to manage traditional broadcast and the new media.
Today the scheduling is broadcasted on multiple media like terrestrial TV, satellite TV, DTH and others. Planning over this multiple media system requires a correct rights management system.
•One right is common to one or multiple assets, that is because the right could be the same for censured and uncensored version. Or for subtitled and un-subtitled version.
•The rights have a time slice value and are for one number of runs, sometimes one run can have some rerun included within a limited time.
•So you can buy one run for one movie with a rerun(replica) within 24 hours, if the station do not use the rerun, this will be lost.
All this cases and more are managed by Etere BMS. With Etere BMS it is possible to load all those information and so be able in a glance to have all under control, eventually modify or cancel them accordingly to the agreements done.
Being BMS integrated with Etere Traffic it is possible to have all the info filled on BMS directly on the schedule and being able in this way to control if the TV station is up to date with the payment rights or not.
In this way it is possible to save money and time and an operator can take this under BMS display control without any extra money for the TV station.