07 August 2024Etere Ecosystem integrates with Amazon Cloud. The seamless connectivity between Etere and Amazon Cloud empowers users to perform direct transfers of bulk data securely and quickly.
Step up your game with Etere's integration with cloud provider Amazon Cloud Computing Services. With cloud computing, you do not need to invest sizeable upfront hardware investments. Instead, you are empowered with the freedom to choose the type and size of computing resources required for your business and to access as many resources as needed almost instantly. Etere's tight integration with Amazon Cloud allows you to access the cloud storage directly without using third-party tools, drivers or software.
Setting up directories within Etere servers is easy, with the option to customise multiple levels of user permissions or set up a virtual directory available to all users. In addition, you can back up your data seamlessly in the cloud servers without latency or changes in the file quality. Not only that, Etere MD5 Checksum enables the generation and verification of the security file hash of media files associated with assets each time a media file is moved from one location to another. This prevents data corruption or modifications to the file.
Etere systems are designed to promote connectivity and collaboration across distributed work environments. With the seamless integration, you can build an agile, flexible and intelligent architecture within a secure server in the cloud.
Key Features of Etere Driver
■ High availability and secure environment
■ Etere supports private cloud, hybrid cloud and public cloud deployments
■ Reliable file transfer, content distribution, file sharing and offsite backup
■ High-speed transfer, even with bulk data
■ Increased speed and agility - New IT resources are ready in a few clicks
■ Etere's MD5 verification on files protects the reliability of the transferred media against modifications, substitutions or corruption
■ Quick setup and easy access; does not require third-party tools, drivers or software to access the object storage
■ Manage file revisions quickly
■ Files may be compressed to provide transfer rates higher than line speed
■ Multi-user access with customisable file access rights
■ Transfer big data and send large files at full line speed regardless of file size
■ Etere's distributed software architecture ensures a fault-resilient performance
About Amazon Cloud
In 2006, Amazon Web Services (AWS) began offering IT infrastructure services to businesses as web services—now commonly known as cloud computing. One of the key benefits of cloud computing is the opportunity to replace upfront capital infrastructure expenses with low variable costs that scale with your business. With the cloud, businesses no longer need to plan for and procure servers and other IT infrastructure weeks or months in advance. Instead, they can instantly spin up hundreds or thousands of servers in minutes and deliver results faster. Today, AWS provides a highly reliable, scalable, low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud that powers hundreds of thousands of businesses in 190 countries worldwide. https://aws.amazon.com/