SET EXPO: Broadcast & Cable 2011

17 August 2011

Etere renew its presence at the most important broadcasting event in Latin America - BrasVideo Booth E17

Etere renew its presence at the most important broadcasting event in Latin America: SET Broadcast & Cable. This is the major Event for Television, Radio and Telecommunications Engineering in Latin America directed at professionals, entrepreneurs and executives in the production and distribution of multimedia electronic content market, including open and subscription TV, radio, internet, industry, production and telecommunications. The show will take place from the 23rd to 25th August “Sao Paulo, Brazil” and Etere will be exhibiting the main features that have positioned us among the most popular and cost-effective solutions in the broadcasting market.
The presentation will be supported by Etere’s official brazilian distributor: BrasVideo (Booth E17). In the Brazilian panorama, Etere has been installed on various broadcasting stations as a part of a growing expansion of its business operations into the Latin American market, where Etere plans to reach broadcasting companies, production houses and content providers comprehended within this potential zone. Etere’s main focus at the event will be showcasing Etere MERP (ERP technologies with rich media extension), a complete solution for Media Asset Management, workflow-based operations and resources planning on a distributed architecture.
MERP approach is the challenge for the next era of broadcasting, because the companies needs to manage and organize content in a complex multi-format and multi-delivery platform, in an efficient structure with an easy interface able to perform the more complex tasks. Etere MERP is the right answer to these problems. ETERE will also show its fully integrated, IT-based and automated playout system as a straightforward extension of a MERP approach.
Etere is a reliable and scalable solution providing customers with complete media management, air sales, archive, rights management, short and long term programming and control from ingest to playout, combining all these into a single workflow framework enhanced with on-demand services.
The Etere’s suite allows broadcasters, media companies and content providers to build a flexible and scalable system to carry out their entire media production, from ingest to playout to content delivery, under a fully tapeless. Etere demo will cover all modules to manage end-to-end workflow. Visit Etere booth E17 for information about products and solutions designed for broadcasting professionals. We will also offer a custom special demo on hot product and solution topics.

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