Maria Chang

Role:  RIA Отдел продаж

Maria Chang joined Etere as a Business Development consultant at the start of 2018.


Documents for Maria Chang

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RAI Chooses Etere for Superior Ad Management in Disaster Recovery

RAI Chooses Etere for Superior Ad Management in Disaster Recovery

Posted on 11/7/2024

Italy's national public broadcaster, RAI, strengthens its enduring partnership with Etere and distri ...

Etere Managed Systems Unaffected by the CrowdStrike-Related Outage

Etere Managed Systems Unaffected by the CrowdStrike-Related Outage

Posted on 25/7/2024

We wish to inform all our global users that Etere-managed systems are unaffected by the Crowdstrike- ...

We Have Moved to a New Telegram Account

We Have Moved to a New Telegram Account

Posted on 1/8/2024

We have moved to a new Telegram account. Follow us on the Etere News Channel for first dibs on the l ...

Etere and Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve: A Seamless Integration for Unmatched Editing Power

Etere and Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve: A Seamless Integration for Unmatched Editing Power

Posted on 18/7/2024

Etere has achieved a new milestone by becoming fully compatible with Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve. Thi ...