Etere at Broadcast Asia 2001

18 June 2001

As usual Etere will be a participant of the largest broadcast convention. In the Asiatic continent: Broadcast-Asia (June 19th –22nd) host to more than 780 exhibitors. Etere and SeaChange, the American leader in video server, are teaming-up to show the latest Etere software implementations.

Etere Logger:
A software solution that simplifies the production of “Reality TV”. Etere Logger is a plug-in of Etere News and allows the uninterrupted recording
of events, to perform cut editing and title assignment. Multiple users can simultaneously access and edit the segments with no limit
to the number of operators. An archiving system permits simple and effective
storage, while a custom interface allows efficient cataloguing. Using a
customized SQL database, the search of clips is extremely simple and fast. Any unused video server channel can be used to edit and trim clips in high
quality video. With Etere video clips ca be recorded simultaneously in both high
and low quality video. The low quality output is also used for browsing. Thanks to Etere Distributed Architecture, any standard pc can control the video
server accurate to the frame. Etere Web:
With the new interface is now faster and simpler than the previous one. On air schedule can be visualized as a quick overview or in a detailed format. This feature is very useful for field sales people who, via the Internet, can have
access to the complete on air schedule for sales of available commercial time
slots. Double byte languages:
One last feature especially developed for the Asian market, is the capability
to compile on air schedules in all the “double byte” languages
improving the easy of use of ETERE Automation. Now any titles, codes, user
notes can be written into ETERE, without any limitation of characters any

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