23 August 2024Streamline your workflow across systems with this bridge between Etere MAM and MOS based newsroom. This integration also allows OCX to be used inside Newsroom and Rundown Automation.
Etere MAM offers an integrated environment to complete a standard newsroom system with a complete workflow for the news management. The standard newsroom system can use both Etere OCX or Etere web to select edit and insert video in the stories and Etere Newsroom Playout to manage the rundown. It integrates with the existing functions of Etere (i.e. Ingest, Media Asset Management, Browsing, Automation and as run log). Standard tasks on an indefinite number of video contents can be easily handled (e.g.: Time-recordings, recording cuts, naming, etc.).
Etere Nunzio Newsroom interfaces all newsrooms based on existing MOS to provide the most effective and flexible solution. It is fault tolerant and the interface is user friendly and doesn’t require particular software expertise. Etere News is an Automation open system based on a modular architecture. This approach gives a cost effective technology without the trouble of integrating different suppliers.
■Uses MOS protocol communications between the newsroom system and the other systems
■Provides integration for MOS-Compliant newsroom systems such as ENPS, Annova OpenMedia and Transtel RunDesk
■Passes lists of rundowns, and script text in rundowns between the newsroom computer system and Etere
■Allows searching for media stored on the media servers from the newsroom computer system
■Restore required media automatically using user-defined workflows
■Enables clip preview and editing via an user-friendly ActiveX browser
■Communicates with the newsroom computer system via heartbeat commands
■ OCX MOS integration enhances research and preview features
■ Retrieved LoRes files can be directly previewed from the News interface
■ User Support in the video news management based on user roles
■ The relational structure offers an easy way to insert any kind of metadata
■ Multi-language metadata that can be shifted securely
■ Mandatory keywords for standardized description of scenes
■ Modularity and fault tolerance benefits of Etere's distributed architecture
■ SDI Video servers
■ DV file transfers
■ XDCAM file transfer
■ Tape catalogues
■ Tape catalogue with browsing copies
■ Digital browsing copies
Etere News extend the traditional concept of a news reporting environment. All news management aspects are covered. Remote control of newsroom and post-production is provided as well. This is a must-have solution for journalists who want to be ahead in producing their own high quality news programs.
Metadata discovery module analyzes the video and automatically makes metadata entries based on: scene changes, black images, no-sounds parts, subtitles, MXF metadata. All metadata entries can be edited at any stage of the workflow.
Etere stores metadata per frame. Metadata can be set as keywords using templates rather than free text so that subsequent searches are effective, faster and more coherent.
The low-resolution file is used to link (with frame precision) the high resolution EDL to run. Thanks to Etere Browsing, journalists can readily make their own EDL directly from their PCs. They can access the same video contents using past and cut functions to link an unlimited number of EDLs. Using Etere Browsing, complex Decision Lists (EDLs) can also be edited, describing videos with insertion points, bulk videos which do not need to be broadcasted and segments of special interest.

■ Intuitive GUI suitable for last minute changes (i.e. play/stop/rewind) ■ OCX MOS integration enhances research and preview features ■ Retrieved LoRes files can be directly previewed from the News interface ■ User Support in the video news management based on user roles ■ The relational structure offers an easy way to insert any kind of metadata ■ Multi-language metadata that can be shifted securely ■ Mandatory keywords for standardized description of scenes ■ Modularity and fault tolerance benefits of Etere's distributed architecture ■ SDI Video servers ■ DV file transfers ■ XDCAM file transfer ■ Tape catalogues ■ Tape catalogue with browsing copies ■ Digital browsing copies

The overall system can be scaled freely, there is no limit to adding remote devices (i.e. video servers, switchers, logo generators, routers, video storage systems, etc. by: RS 422, TCP/IP Ethernet or GPI). Etere News extend the traditional concept of a news reporting environment. All news management aspects are covered. Remote control of newsroom and post-production is provided as well. This is a must-have solution for journalists who want to be ahead in producing their own high quality news programs.

Etere Media Asset Management (MAM) provides metadata indexing. It enables correct retrieval of a video or a part of it from the database. Metadata can be edited to provide comprehensive description customized to the needs of the company. MAM can be related to both tapes and preview quality clips. Metadata discovery module analyzes the video and automatically makes metadata entries based on: scene changes, black images, no-sounds parts, subtitles, MXF metadata. All metadata entries can be edited at any stage of the workflow. Etere stores metadata per frame. Metadata can be set as keywords using templates rather than free text so that subsequent searches are effective, faster and more coherent.

Similar to all Etere Ecosystem solutions, Etere News is integrated with Etere Browsing, the easy-to-use tool that allow journalists to view and record in high and low resolution. The low-resolution file is used to link (with frame precision) the high resolution EDL to run. Thanks to Etere Browsing, journalists can readily make their own EDL directly from their PCs. They can access the same video contents using past and cut functions to link an unlimited number of EDLs. Using Etere Browsing, complex Decision Lists (EDLs) can also be edited, describing videos with insertion points, bulk videos which do not need to be broadcasted and segments of special interest.